Our performing, singing, dancing, theatre loving daughter looks forward to few days at school more than CRAZY HAIR DAY every year. Continue reading Nature Inspired Crazy Hair Day Ideas For Long Hair
Monthly Archives: June 2017
A Simple Swimming Pool Cake

With the wonderful pool season about to be upon us again, I thought it a good time to share this cute pool cake! This is just the cake to celebrate pool time fun or a summer BBQ. And is it not glorious we get to say things like that again?! Continue reading A Simple Swimming Pool Cake
Vancouver Mom Top 30 Bloggers Gala
This week I had the honour of attending my first blogger event, a party hosted by VancouverMom.ca. To celebrate the year’s top 30 Vancouver mom bloggers. The event was called “STYLE.” And had a charming, old world setting in the University Women’s Club of Vancouver at Hycroft Manor. Continue reading Vancouver Mom Top 30 Bloggers Gala
Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

What do you do when you needed chocolate chip cookies like yesterday?? Chocolate chip cookie bars, that’s what. These are WAY easier than individual cookies (not that cookies are hard) because there is no scooping or switching cookie sheets, it’s all in one pan. Which makes for even softer, gooier (with plenty of warm, melted chocolate) chocolate chip cookie bars. Yum. These are my answer for impromptu play dates, or quick desserts when we just must have something yummy and gooey (we eat them right out of the pan warm) or when someone in my life has forgotten to mention that they signed me up to bake something…not that such things ever happen! Continue reading Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars