I find nearly any boxed cake mix, from any brand, can be greatly improved with just a few simple tricks or substitutions. Many a fun, decorated cake has begun with a mix. With just a few simple substitutions and a mix can taste infinitely better!
Ever planned a European trip in a week (well 8 days to be exact)?! Well we did. The Hubster had last minute work come up and I have a strict never say no to Paris clause (ok I made that up – but I stand by it). So we got busy planning, on what was arguably already a very busy week. We left for Paris with only an inkling we might end up in Provence, France.
These Lingonberry cinnamon sweet buns are incredible! A delectable treat that I stumbled into creating, in an effort to use up left over Lingonberry Jam from Ikea. I thought why not and kept my expectations low. And this deliciousness was born. Now instead of looking for ways to use up leftover jam, I am trying to think of a way to get back to Ikea for some more. Does this count as an #IkeaHack?!
These little heart shaped cookies with cat whiskers are simple, fun and oh so cute! A great treat to whip up for a kids party, themed or not! If I remember correctly my kids took these to an actual cat themed party, but they were a great deal easier to do with a cute heart nose and whiskers than actual cat shaped cookies.