Category Archives: Cookies

London Fog Cookies

london fog cookies

London Fog (earl grey) Cookies

A London Fog (earl grey tea latte) is a fairly common occurrence here in Vancouver. It’s a winning combination of earl grey tea, vanilla and steamed milk. But this fabulous flavour combination doesn’t just make for a comforting cool weather drink, it can be enjoyed as London Fog Cookies too!

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Crazy Hair Day Cookies

Along with all the hype and fervour that comes with crazy hair day in this house. We generally make some sort of sweet treat for the class. We have a hard time celebrating any momentous occasion or day with out cake or cookies of some sort (and to our eldest daughter, crazy hair day is very momentous). It’s not that we as a family always eat that many cakes or cookies in actuality (people are always shocked to hear my kids say no to cake or treats or that husband rarely eats them and that generally I give them away), but we love to recognize small or fun occasions and share a treat with the class where and when we can. So cue the crazy hair day cookies! Continue reading Crazy Hair Day Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

What do you do when you needed chocolate chip cookies like yesterday?? Chocolate chip cookie bars, that’s what. These are WAY easier than individual cookies (not that cookies are hard) because there is no scooping or switching cookie sheets, it’s all in one pan. Which makes for even softer, gooier (with plenty of warm, melted chocolate) chocolate chip cookie bars. Yum. These are my answer for impromptu play dates, or quick desserts when we just must have something yummy and gooey (we eat them right out of the pan warm) or when someone in my life has forgotten to mention that they signed me up to bake something…not that such things ever happen! Continue reading Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

The Rather Incredible Breton Brittle

Hansel and Gretel Breton Brittle

Breton Brittle (or as it’s become known by my kids in our house, ‘Hansel and Gretel’) is pretty amazing stuff. Like, beg mom to make hansel and gretel stuff, popular. I actually like to watch for sales and try to always have a box of Breton Crackers on hand in the house (just to be able to whip this bad boy up on a moments notice)! Having the ingredients, which tend to be pantry staples anyway, has saved me many a time when I needed something quick. Continue reading The Rather Incredible Breton Brittle

Earth Day Cookies

earthy day cookies

This is a fairly simple cookie, that goes over well on earth day, or anytime you feel the need for ‘I heart the earth’ cookies. I suppose there is never a wrong time to show the earth some love! These cookies are simple enough to make, that one should walk away with same level of sanity they began with (sadly, I can not say that for every recipe or project I embark on). But these cute cookies are easy  and they tend to make an annual appearance for Earth Day around here.

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Eiffel Tower Sugar Cookies

Eiffel tower sugar cookies came about when I began taking french classes when my oldest entered kindergarten in french immersion. Partially because I have always wanted to learn and mostly because it seemed like a poor idea to one day have a child (even a teenager – gulp-) that spoke a language I didn’t!

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Tea Time Cookies



Let’s have tea and cookies.


tea bag cookies

Tea parties are a surprisingly common occurrence in our house,
whether with pretend or in actuality. And I am not one to complain (except unless I get stuck with all the hand was dishes at the end) because I adore high tea. There is no real wondering where the kids get it from. Continue reading Tea Time Cookies