Category Archives: Decor

How To Make A Large Box into A Kids Play House

Our cardboard play house! The kids are never too far from making a plea to keep a ‘perfect’ box or coveted found object forever. But when they turned the large box that a patio chair came into the most adorable play house we have gladly allowed it a prominent spot in our living space (especially when we have been spending more time indoors together). It didn’t hurt that they intentionally went with a black and white colour scheme to ‘blend in’ with our surrounding style.

Continue reading How To Make A Large Box into A Kids Play House

D.I.Y. Roman Shade

It only took us nine years! Yes, it has only taken us nine short years to get a shade up on the irregularly sized window in the kitchen, above the sink. Finally after never quite finding what I wanted anywhere, we just went ahead and made our own d.i.y. roman shade. I don’t know what took us so long, because it turned out GREAT and cost us less than $20.

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Fun Oyster Shell Summer Art Project

Oyster Shell Art

summer art project

Oyster art. Because maybe you are like us and like to bring a little of the beach home with you. Maybe you are like my self and use discernment for a special little piece of sea glass here or there. Or perhaps you are more like my youngest and it’s as much as your pockets can hold (and those of your fellow beach goers that you enlist to carry even more). Either way we like to have a summer project when our two families get together with the cousins for a week in the summer. This year it was in Powell River and we found a beach in our travels covered with the most interesting leftovers of oyster shells and inspiration hit. Continue reading Fun Oyster Shell Summer Art Project

Teacher Gift Ideas

teacher's gift

It’s that time of year again! Teacher gift time. END OF SCHOOL. That really busy, must get all the things done time of year. It happens around these parts in June. The time when everything culminates and needs to get wrapped up. The time when your brain breaks and good ideas and creative thoughts disappear. Happens to also be the exact time we are due to show gratitude to our children’s teachers. Continue reading Teacher Gift Ideas

Al Fresco At Last

alfresco tea party

The time for al fresco is upon us. It is finally here!! The warmer weather has arrived and if you are anything like us, you are tripping over yourself to spend more time outdoors. Through all those rainy and chilly months perhaps you were envisioning leisurely outdoor meals and parties and living vicariously through beautiful instagram images. No, just me?! Ok, fine. But no longer must we pine over other’s warm weather – the time is here to get out doors and dine alfresco ourselves!

alfresco party

Continue reading Al Fresco At Last


As creativity is never in short supply in our house, and I am always searching, making or creating something new. It’s of no real surprise that my children turn out ‘masterpieces’ like there is no tomorrow.  In fact someone is painting as I write this!!! (… which someone else who IS writing this will have to clean up later…).

But how often do you get the chance to work with an acclaimed local artist to create something completely unique and beautiful?! Continue reading the LITTLE PICASSO SERIES

D.I.Y. Back to School Chalkboard Sign


A homemade chalkboard sign can help make back to school all the more momentous and the photos all the more adorable. I think it’s safe to say I am all about the photos and memories and remembering funny things and moments. So it’s no real surprise that it has become a bit of a right of passage in our house to hold and make our first day of school signs. Continue reading D.I.Y. Back to School Chalkboard Sign