Category Archives: Class Treats

Little Powdered Sugar Doughnut Snowmen Heads

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Little snowman heads. I needed an easy-peasy treat for Peyton’s class to wish them all a nice winter break before we flew the coop early for Florida. I have seen variations of these snowman heads floating around the internet for some time, so on the way home from our errands we pulled into the grocery store and grabbed a couple packs of mini powdered donuts. They were destined to become snowmen for the class. Continue reading Little Powdered Sugar Doughnut Snowmen Heads

Adorable Apple Shaped Rice Krispies treats



Apple Shaped Rice Krispie Treats


A smooth start to September is all one can hope for with all the excitement and nerves our little ones can throw at us over the beginning of a new school year. But once the dust settles after those first few days (and before I embark on the mountain of forms and paperwork sent my way), I thought a small treat to welcome everyone back and to their new class might be appreciated. So in step these little apple Rice Krispie treats!

Continue reading Adorable Apple Shaped Rice Krispies treats