Category Archives: Lifestyle

The Day With The Smoke and The Balloons

The day Vancouver disappeared

vancouver smoke

Vancouver summer smoke. This summer, we avoided the outside world for at least week before we headed to the water front to see for ourselves the extent of the smoke that had descended on Vancouver from BC’s  out of control wildfires. Continue reading The Day With The Smoke and The Balloons

Destination Cultus!

cultus lake adventure park

We happily found ourselves back at the Cultus Lake Waterpark and Adventure Park. This is a wonderful place for families and summer fun. The two parks that make up Destination Cultus are run by a family themselves and it shows in all the family friendly details. It was interesting to learn from the owner himself, that initially they purchased the water park (in its original humble beginnings) and expanded and added to what it is today – home to over 25 amazing waterslide and attractions – the largest in the Provence. Then they embarked on turning the mini golf across the street into the Cultus Lake Adventure Fun Park that it is today. Meaning that yes, you can do the waterslides and a family friendly theme park for all ages, in the same epic day!!  Continue reading Destination Cultus!

Canning Party

canning party

Our Very Own Canning Party 

We hosted a lovely canning party recently! Where my mother and mother-in-law were able to pass down their expertise and knowledge and teach another two generations how to can. It was a great way to spend an afternoon, resulting in many lovely spoils!

canning party

Continue reading Canning Party

Summer Fun!!!



Summer fun! We love doing things together as a family. But, like every other family I have met, we are really busy. So When I saw the Healthy Family Expo’s Metro Vancouver Summer Family Fun Guide, we called a family meeting (don’t worry, there were treats).

I sat down with our giant family calendar and scheduled in the days and events (plus the logistics of the how and when) and we were off to the races. We already love family outings (and spend heaps of time together), but planning and putting aside time for fun that only involved us four at an actual third party location, was really needed and sadly lacking.

This Summer Family Fun Guide was quick to remedy that! Really, why not take some time to search out some summer fun with activities that the whole family will enjoy, like we did?! We like fun. And we love the Healthy Family Expo. It was a no brainer, we could definitely combine these in the name of summertime fun! Continue reading Summer Fun!!!

Teacher Gift Ideas

teacher's gift

It’s that time of year again! Teacher gift time. END OF SCHOOL. That really busy, must get all the things done time of year. It happens around these parts in June. The time when everything culminates and needs to get wrapped up. The time when your brain breaks and good ideas and creative thoughts disappear. Happens to also be the exact time we are due to show gratitude to our children’s teachers. Continue reading Teacher Gift Ideas

Freshii For Dinner

Esplanade Freshii

When Freshii offered us dinner (for a collaboration) to draw awareness to some of their local North Vancouver locations, I knew it would be good fit as I was already a fan. And not just a fan of not making dinner! Continue reading Freshii For Dinner

Al Fresco At Last

alfresco tea party

The time for al fresco is upon us. It is finally here!! The warmer weather has arrived and if you are anything like us, you are tripping over yourself to spend more time outdoors. Through all those rainy and chilly months perhaps you were envisioning leisurely outdoor meals and parties and living vicariously through beautiful instagram images. No, just me?! Ok, fine. But no longer must we pine over other’s warm weather – the time is here to get out doors and dine alfresco ourselves!

alfresco party

Continue reading Al Fresco At Last