Our performing, singing, dancing, theatre loving daughter looks forward to few days at school more than CRAZY HAIR DAY every year. She counts down the days and she plans, oh boy does she ever plan! I LOVE that she believes that I am capable of anything… but honestly some of the ideas and pictures she presents me with would make a professional hair stylist weep! So after some brainstorming and back and forth, we generally narrow it down to 5 options, thanks to Pinterest, that I feel I can actually pull off a version of. Then she chooses.
So far in her school career we have done a birds nest, complete with mini eggs and sequinned birds, a butterfly garden with white picket popsicle stick fence and a bird cage out of pipe cleaners with a small bird swinging on its perch inside (which looked a little more like a Victorian crown than actual bird cage). Which brings us to this year’s ‘flower pot’ idea.
This one was surprisingly easy, with a great WOW factor.
Here are the things we used:
Plastic Flower pot (I washed out one that herbs had come in)
Mini Trailing Ivy (we found ours in Michaels silk flower aisle)
Plastic Plant Info tag
Foam Roses (a dollar store gift from my daughter)
Bees 0n wire (Michaels)
Decorative fabric or plastic butterflies
Elastics – full size and clear disposable minis
Hair brush
Ten Steps To A Crazy Hair Masterpiece:
Step 1:
Clean (or buy) a small plastic flower pot.
Step 2:
Use scissors to cut out the bottom centre section of the flower pot. Make it slightly smaller than a pony tail circumference, to make for a tight fit.
Step 3:
Brush hair and gather into a high pony on the top of the head.
Step 4:
Twist hair and feed thru the hole in the centre of the flower pot. To secure, work the edges of the pot bottom under the elastic.
Step 5:
Cut 4 lengths of trailing ivy in varying lengths (long the better). Separate hair into four equal pieces.
Step 6:
Braid the ivy into each section of hair, by incorporating the length of ivy into part of the middle strand of hair and braiding normally between the leaves. Secure the base with clear elastic and let remaining ivy continue trailing past braid.
Repeat on remaining three braids
Step 7:
Twist wire stems and bobby pin roses (flowers) into base of pony tail inside flower pot.
Step 8:
Tape the flower info card into inner side of the flower pot.
Step 9:
Insert wire bees into flowers or tape onto flower pot to secure so they look like they are buzzing above the flowers.
Step 10:
Using a bobby pin attach decorative butterflies into ivy braids.
All done. Make sure to do the bounce test… as in get your kid to bounce around and move to make sure everything is secure and comfortable and not pulling. If need be add more bobby pins.
Sit back and marvel at seeing your child’s eyes light up in the mirror and hearing the words “thank you mom – it’s a masterpiece!!!”
Complete with Crazy Hair Day Cookies:
Past years Crazy Hair:
Birds Nest-
Butterfly Garden-
Bird Cage-

Together you two are an amazing team. Your creativity matches her imagination. Incredible, once again.
Haha – thanks, we have fun with it!!!
So creative! Absolutely amazing!
Thank you
So impressive!!! Love the nature theme she plays on each year.?