Along with all the hype and fervour that comes with crazy hair day in this house. We generally make some sort of sweet treat for the class. We have a hard time celebrating any momentous occasion or day with out cake or cookies of some sort (and to our eldest daughter, crazy hair day is very momentous). It’s not that we as a family always eat that many cakes or cookies in actuality (people are always shocked to hear my kids say no to cake or treats or that husband rarely eats them and that generally I give them away), but we love to recognize small or fun occasions and share a treat with the class where and when we can. So cue the crazy hair day cookies!
These little cuties definitely got assistance from the kids and were fun and simple, thanks to some short cuts. We used some store bought frosting. Now homemade frosting tastes way better in my opinion, but kids don’t care and mine found using the can way easier and the Wilton gel tubes are great for details (like eyes and smile). So we compromised on taste with less frustration and clean up. I’m ok with that! It goes right along with my new motto – ‘good enough is good enough!’ Now if I was making this for adults then I would go homemade, but the sad reality about adults is there are rarely any crazy hair days (in fact there is significant amount of time generally spent on minimizing ‘crazy’ hair days…). So I have yet to find an occasion calling for crazy hair day cookies outside of elementary school!
So here we go – crazy hair day cookies:
Step 1:
Make a batch of sugar cookies and cut out circles of desired size (we used a 2″ round cookie cutter). Bake and allow to cool completely.
Step 2:
Gather decorating supplies. We used a combination of ready made blue frosting in a can (with changeable tips), Wilton sparkle gels in black and home made multi coloured frosting in a piping bag and the wilton piping tips 18 and 233 (grass making tip) to create our cookies. And a few heart shaped candy sprinkles.
Step 3:
Go to town with your crazy and wacky hair styles. We used large heart sprinkles for barrettes.
Step 4:
Then add the eyes and smiles.
Step 5:
Step 6:
Allow frosting to dry for an hour and then store covered. These cookies can stay fresh for up to 5 days, if stored in an air tight container. Because the Wilton sparkle gels never fully loses it’s stickiness, we made sure to not stack the cookies and that the lid did not touch. Plastic wrap would probably not work in this case.
Crazy Hair Cookies!!!
Taking cookies to school, complete with her own crazy hair is serious business!!