D.I.Y Rock Pillows. A plethora of soft, beautiful, stuffed rocks piled this way and that, in a big tumbling pile, is what I was picturing in the reading corner with my DIY rock pillows. Kids lounging and reading on large rock pillows and tossing little rocks (pillows) at each other. And now the time had finally arrived to make this happen because I have been longingly feasting my eyes on gorgeous felted rock pillows for far too long.
Of course the real deal are incredible and hand felted and rightfully cost hundreds of dollars each. And even though I should add learning how to felt to my never ending list of things to try (and probably will), it wasn’t going to happen this month. So longing after these will have to continue for the time being, but that won’t stop me from sewing my own rock pillows from flannel (and other soft fabrics) and delighting the kids who have yet to develop my champaign tastes!
D.I.Y Rock Pillows
By making these myself and searching out sales (especially on the soft fill stuffing – because that stuff adds up!) I was able to make all 14 rock pillows for less than half of the cost of 1 of the real deal. These were a big hit and they really are incredibly soft and inviting.
My first order of business was to search out rock like fabric. The more contrast there was in the pattern, the more realistic they looked finished. I found some soft patterned flannel at Fabricana and chose complimenting colours and hues. But, I found the quilting flannel , though a wonderful soft quality, to be expensive.
I was able to supplement and add more variety by hitting a second hand shop for some blankets. Making sure I searched for the ones with the most vein like shapes and variations of natural tones to best mimic rock like patterns. I didn’t actually care what the actual pictures or shapes were on the blankets because I was planning on cutting them up.
Flannelette or flannel in variegated rock like tones and patterns ( I used quilters flannel)
Fuzzy blankets in the correct hues or patterns for rocks (washed if second hand)
Soft fill stuffing (much more than you think you will need)
Fabric Scissors
Thread in coordinating colours
Sewing machine
Needle and thread
As I hate using patterns (though I do not advocate such things of course), I had the idea in my head and worked from that and made the organic shapes as I went along. Thus, because of the way I role when sewing, I free styled some of the shapes and others I drew a rough outline to follow on the fabric. I wanted to make sure I used every bit of the fabric I could, so I let that dictate the different sizes and shapes. Though I did try to make sure if the fabric or blankets had recognizable patterns, that I cut them strategically ( I wanted veins or node like patterns ).
Using my sewing machine, I sewed each rock pillow inside out, leaving enough space to turn each right side out and fit my hand thru (you want to be able to manipulate and move the stuffing around inside) and stuff. Then after stuffing and moulding into a shape I was happy with, I sewed the opening closed by hand with matching thread.
I tried to make each pillow a slightly different shape and size and to over stuff some and loosely stuff others for variety. These were a little addictive to make. Once I finished one, I found myself right onto the next, as it was fun to try it this way or that with the shapes. Also with my new goals of not striving for perfection, I kept plowing right on and the pillows started piling up!!! And I had the entire project finished by the next day. Win win.
I highly suggest giving these a try yourself. The most fun (and yet trickiest) part was finding the fabric that suited a rock like look.
Step by Step Rock Pillow Instructions:
Step 1:
Find the fabric of your choice, the more variegated the pattern or difference in colour take on the most realistic look once sewn and stuffed. I found some beautifully soft options at Fabricana. Then some blankets at a second hand shop in wonderful prints and patterns that “screamed” rock like to me.
Step 2:
Trace out a shape on the wrong side of the fabric to follow when sewing.
Step 3:
Sew pillow, leaving enough space to fit hand in to stuff with filling.
Step 4:
Turn pillow form inside out and stuff with filling until content with shape.
Step 5:
Sew opening closed with needle and matching colour of thread. Admire briefly and keep creating.
Step 6:
Watch the pillows start to pile up!
In total I made 14 different sized rocks.
Perfect For Reading
I wanted to try out their appeal ahead of time and it looks like my kids definitely approved. Seems someone even showed up with their book and got comfy without any prompting. So I would say there was success in their intended purpose if someone couldn’t resist snuggling in with a book or building a fort!
These rocks were destined for the student’s reading corner at my daughter’s school. Much to my delight, I walked in a week later to find even the older grades doing some school work with their rock cushion of choice cuddled against them! So I think that means they were well received.
Need more D.I.Y?! Then check out this Literary Sign Post