A terrific Reading Corner. So my life is busy. Just like everyone else. And yet I jumped at the opportunity to help create this multi purpose space. Located in one of the portables at my kid’s school (yes I can see and/or hear you all shaking your heads in horror for volunteering for such a huge project). But I love design that much and I also love (flying head first into) a challenge and nothing is more fun than decorating for kids!! The idea of this project thrilled me. The first thing I thought of for this huge space was to create a reading corner for the kids. As it’s rare for me to run short on ideas, just on reality (and time).
So about 30 seconds into laying my eyes on the space, I had several ideas swirling around about how to bring this reading nook to life! I took great delight in imagining what would be practical and fun for the kids and adults alike.
Here are the steps I like to use in creating a reading space like this:
Step 1:
Seating. This will set the whole tone for your reading corner and there are many options…bean bags, big chairs, love seats, benches, floor pillows…they will all work wonderfully. In our case the school already had a nice, simple style of a love seat, for our starting point.
Step 2:
Assess the seating. If it’s new and you have already chosen seating in a colour or pattern exactly how you want, then great – move right along! But if it is second hand or something you already have that needs a facelift (like our piece), this is your next step in the project because the pattern or colour you chose for the seating will dictate the other hues, colours or patterns you bring in.
In regards to the love seat for our project the foam was in decent enough condition that really all it needed was some new fabric to bring it back to life and become the focal point of our reading corner.
The zebra print was a sofa cover I already had on hand and since we were trying to save costs, I knew it would work nicely into my vision for the space. Plus since the dimensions were correct for the seat, I knew it would make recovering the piece so much easier. So me and my staple gun (and upholstery needle) got to work.
Step 3:
Choose a corner feature. String lights, gauzy fabric, one of those wonderful teepees that are all over Pinterest – these are all great options. But for this corner I had chosen to go with mosquito netting (often used above a bed).
I had a basic one ($15 from Jysk) and I wanted to add some details and so I used sheets of black dollar store felt to cut out triangles and sew on with a needle and thread. It turned out so well that my youngest begged to keep it for her own room (so I actually made two). To hang it up in the corner I used a thin, orange grosgrain ribbon.
Step 4:
Choose a rug to help define the space. This is especially necessary if you are working with a large space like this. The size of the room will dictate the size of the carpet, you do not want the rug to be too small. The larger the room the larger the scale of pattern (tiny prints can look really busy) the room can handle. A small corner of a bedroom could handle something small (even circular), or several smaller rugs or mats layered together.
But in our case, anything smaller than our 6’5″ x 4′ size rug looked tiny in such a large space. Now this is the time and place where you could really go for something bright and fun and not just stick to a neutral. This striped carpet was a steal of a deal from Ikea for only $29.99.
Make sure the front legs of your seating rest on the rug.
Step 4:
Choose some whimsical pillows. I was able to find these three cuties from HomeSense.
Step 5:
Add in extras and decorate the space. Make it personal and fun!
We added a literary sign post and #READ in marquee letters ( I found these handsome guys at Micheals for 80% off) to the wall and hanging colourful paper globes (again from Ikea) from the ceiling.
Step 6 (optional):
Additional floor pillows. Because it was a large classroom like setting, there needed to be lots of seating options for more than just three lucky kids and so I chose to add a number of cushions made to look like rocks to sprawl around on, piled on either side of the sofa.
And there you have it, an inviting, colourful space. Sit back and watch the reading commence!!!
For this project I took and combined new and used elements, using the starting point as what we already had and working from there. I wanted the corner to be fun and inviting to all the ages using the space. But really the sky is the limit, when it comes to reading corners and ideas. And because of that, I personally can not wait until I get the opportunity to do another reading corner!!!

Such an appealing space! Well done!!???
Thank you!!
What an amazing improvement! The pillow rocks will be well loved by the young ones.
They seem to have been well received, thank you!!