Amazing, simple and delicious pickles. We have been tweaking and perfecting this garlic free dill pickle for the past couple years. They were delicious to begin with, but now they are perfection!

Store bought no longer cuts it. So I make sure to can enough of these pickles each summer to make it through the year now. Making pickles is quite a simple process and can be done in a couple hours. Extra hands can definitely make the process go quicker with a delicious result.

Make sure to soak or wash the cucumbers very well and remove any dirt or stems.

I often triple (sometimes even quadruple) this recipe, or make several batches depending on how many cucumbers I have.

The only part that needs a proper recipe is for the brine proportions. The rest is really more directions. It is nearly impossible to say exactly how much brine each jar will require as it depends on how many pickles and the size of jar and how tightly packed it is.

Cutting the blossom end off the cucumber makes for a crunchier pickle (due to removing some of the enzymes present).

Poking the three small holes or slices in the cucumber helps them absorb the brine better and become tastier.

I like to have everything prepped, cleaned and set up and then continue making brine as I go.

Obviously this recipe could have garlic added if desired.

I find it fascinating how quickly the cucumbers change colours.

And how happy pretty pickle jars lined up make me and my family!

Garlic Free Dill Pickles
2 Cups Pickling Vinegar
6 Cups Water
1/2 Cup Coarse Kosher Salt
1/4 Cup of White Sugar
A Large Bunch of Fresh Picking Dill (the long fronds with some seeds attached)
Pickling Cucumbers
Whole Black Peppercorns
Wash all the pickles well. Then cut the top end off the cucumbers (where the blossom grew) and using a sharp paring knife poke three holes/slices along the length of each cucumber, about half way through. No need to come out the other side.
Boil or sanitize your jars and have the lids and rims warmed in hot water.
Bring the vinegar, water, salt and sugar to a boil in a large pot on the stove. Boil for 5 minutes.
I find once the jars are packed and ready to be filled, transferring the boiled vinegar mix to a large measuring cup makes for easier filling.
Place a bunch of folded dill in the base of a clean jar and fill as tightly as possible with cucumbers. It works best if the cucumbers can stay mostly vertical. Fold and shove another sprig of dill into the top or down the side, making sure to keep it away form the rim, so the jar seals. Drop in a dozen whole black peppercorns. Then slowly fill with the hot vinegar mixture to the bottom of the neck. Make sure nothing has popped up to the lid level to prevent sealing. Clean the rim and place a hot lid and rim on. Loosely tighten a couple threads on the rim, but do not completely tighten.
Transfer to the canner and boil (at least submerged by 2 inches of water) for 10 minutes. Cool on counter undisturbed 24 hours. Any that don’t seal by the next day can be stored in the fridge.
This recipe can also be made and left to seal on the counter, without the additional boiling. Any that don’t seal need to be refrigerated. And this method requires 10 days in a cool environment before being ready to eat. This is how I used to do it. But one year several of my jars did not seal so I processed them in the canner and I found doing so enhanced the flavour even more and has become my preference.
Any leftover pickling brine tastes great when poured over sliced (purple is my preference) cabbage and stays good, kept in a jar with a lid in the fridge for two weeks. Picked cabbage makes a tasty addition to lots of meals.
Want to make your own pesto, salsa or guacamole next?!

Thank you for great article! Havd you ever sliced the pickles?
Thanks! And no, I have never tried slicing the pickles myself. However if you try it, let me know – I bet it would be good 😊
thank you for the article