That’s right! Pretty Petunias is 2 years old. 2 years and 100 posts later! It’s our BLOGIVERSARY!!!!!

It’s fun to look back and to celebrate. And of course there was cake. Hard to turn down an occasion for cake! Like this chocolate cake with an amaretto vanilla buttercream and chocolate ganache. Those show stopping meringues came care of Peyton. She’s our little meringue making machine!
And there was silliness. There is almost always silliness!

I am glad I started this blog and for all the opportunities and people I have met and experienced over the past couple years.

It is interesting to think ahead and wonder where the next 2 years will take me, the blog and our family. But one thing is for sure, I am not done sharing recipes with the world. In fact it feels like I am just getting started!!

So from all of us – thanks for following along and sharing in our stories and recipes!!!

Has it been 2 years already?? That’s pretty much when we met too! 😊 Happy 2 year blogiversary Laura!
Thanks Reg! You re right, it was very shortly after when we first met!!
Well done all of you. You make it all look like such fun, which baking really should be.