As creativity is never in short supply in our house, and I am always searching, making or creating something new. It’s of no real surprise that my children turn out ‘masterpieces’ like there is no tomorrow.  In fact someone is painting as I write this!!! (… which someone else who IS writing this will have to clean up later…).

But how often do you get the chance to work with an acclaimed local artist to create something completely unique and beautiful?! Continue reading the LITTLE PICASSO SERIES

Great Grandma’s Cinnamon Tea Biscuits

cinnamon tea biscuits

I have always thought of these cinnamon tea biscuits as the quickest cinnamon biscuits out there. They are a recipe I grew up having, my mom made them often. I believe her mom made them too and I know her grandmother definitely did. Continue reading Great Grandma’s Cinnamon Tea Biscuits

“When I Grow Up” and Other Things That Never Stop Being funny to Me…

What few people tell you about having children is how funny they are. Kids are hilarious. They say the best and most ridiculous things. Continue reading “When I Grow Up” and Other Things That Never Stop Being funny to Me…

Autumn Sugar Cookies

Having spent nearly two weeks sick, the kind of sick where changing scenery means laying on the couch instead of your bed (and wondering how people survived illness before Netflicks). Not being without fever or leaving the house for some 9 days (have you ever tried watching an intense show feverish?!), means I kind of missed the transition of summer to fall. It is fall now, without a doubt. The calendar says so of course, but so does the weather and the colours on the trees. Even with the gorgeous midday sun, the mornings and evenings are also decidedly cooler. So when I finally found myself well enough to be in the kitchen again, I felt I wanted to bake something autumn inspired for my daughter’s classes. These leaf shaped autumn sugar cookies seemed the perfect thing. Continue reading Autumn Sugar Cookies

Adventures in baking, decor, d.i.y. and hilarious children