This record balloons silhouette was an easy yes! I immediately fell in love with this silhouette of a little girl holding balloons, which are actually records. What a seriously adorable idea for a wall. I knew I wanted something with some musical inspiration for the space I was working on, and when I found this on Pinterest, I knew right away what I was going to do!
So I got the Hubster to draw a child’s outline on heavy cardboard. Then after cutting it out, I painted it black and glued hardware to the back to hang it on the wall. I grabbed some records from Value Village (well actually my mom did – yay for family crafting projects). And finally dug out some black wool. This was a seriously easy project for how cute it turned out!!!
What This Record Balloons Project Required:
Old Records
Dark Colour of Yarn
Exacto Knife (box knife)
Black Paint ( I used chalkboard paint)
Picture Nails
Step 1:
Trace the outline of a girl onto cardboard.
Step 2:
Carefully cut out the silhouette.
Step 3:
Paint the cutout silhouette black. This took about three coats, drying in between, to get even coverage. Allow to dry completely.
Step 4:
Glue a picture hook to the back.
Step 5:
Using a nail, hang the silhouette on the wall.
Step 6:
Lay out the records and play around with the placements and colours
Step 7:
Cut long lengths of yarn, longer than you think you will need, because you can trim them later.
Step 8:
Tape the yarn to the back of the records at about a seven o’clock placement, to look most natural.
Step 9:
Using nails and a hammer, attach the records to the wall, by having the centre of the record hang on the a nail, aiming to have it look like balloons floating away.
Step 10:
Gently pull and gather the yarn up and coax behind the silhouette of the girl’s hand.
Step 11:
Trim or tie together any yarn that hangs unevenly, to get the finished look you want.
Isn’t she adorable?!?!
Check out the space adjacent to this with a delightful reading corner!

Looks fantastic! What a wonderful idea 🙂
Thank you – It was a fun project!!!