It’s that time of year again! Teacher gift time. END OF SCHOOL. That really busy, must get all the things done time of year. It happens around these parts in June. The time when everything culminates and needs to get wrapped up. The time when your brain breaks and good ideas and creative thoughts disappear. Happens to also be the exact time we are due to show gratitude to our children’s teachers. Continue reading Teacher Gift Ideas
Tag Archives: end of school
Kids Grad Cap and Gown Lollipops
Kids Grad Lollipops = Cap and Gown Graduation Lollipops
Every year I like to challenge myself to come up with some new and cute, but fun and edible way for my daughter and her classmates to celebrate year end. Our final days of grade 2 turned into a bumpy ending and most non necessities had to go. But because of our fight to get thru the year, despite unforeseen challenges, I also felt all the more compelled to celebrate. Continue reading Kids Grad Cap and Gown Lollipops